UK Barbel Masters
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Important Information

UK Barbel Masters 2025

New format

Based on feedback from the previous years events we have increased the number of entries by having 2 qualifiers and then a final with 50 anglers. The two 24 hour qualifiers will take place on the River Trent at A1 pits.

Qualifier 1 (100 pegs):-

  • Friday 5th September 2025
  • Arrive from 0700
  • Draw at 0900
  • Fish from 1100 Friday to 1100 Saturday 6th September 2025

Qualifier 2 (100 pegs):-

  • Saturday 6th September 2025
  • Arrive from 1000
  • Draw at 1200
  • Fish from 1400 Saturday to 1400 Sunday 7th September 2025

Qualifying for the final

  • The qualifiers will be split into sections of 5 anglers, with 20 sections.
  • The winner from each section will qualify for the final.
  • Last years winner will qualify for the final.
  • In each qualifier 4 anglers with the highest weights who did not qualify through a section win or the biggest fish will qualify for the final.
  • The biggest barbel caught in the two qualifiers who didn’t qualify through a section win or highest runners up will qualify for the final.
  • In the event of a tie the qualifiers will be decided on the most number of barbel caught by the anglers tied, if it is still a tie the biggest barbel they caught, then the time of the first barbel caught.
  • If no anglers in a section catch a barbel the qualifying place from that section will be determined as follows:-
  • The highest weight caught by an angler in the qualifier who did not qualify by either a section win, highest weight runners up or biggest fish.
  • If this is a tie then it will be the biggest fish the anglers caught, then the time of the first fish they caught.
  • If then there are no other anglers who have caught a barbel it will be the 5 names from the section in a draw and 1 angler from that section will get a place in the final.
  • There will be no prize money or prizes given to any anglers in the qualifiers.

Final will be a 48 hour match (50 pegs)

  • Friday 3rd October 2025 to Sunday 5th October 2025
  • Arrive from 0700
  • Draw at 0900
  • Fish from 1100 Friday to 1100 Sunday 5th October 2025

Note in the event that the organisers and/or A1 Pits determine the river is not safe to fish, should flooding occur etc, the qualifiers and final will be moved to 1 week later or until the qualifiers and final can take place.

How to enter

  • Anglers can register from Saturday 1st February 2025 and closes at midnight on 28th February 2025.
  • The only way to register is via our website. Go to the Competition Entry on the website, then complete the registration form which will ask you for your contact details – full name, email address and mobile telephone number. By entering you are confirming you have read and accepted all the competition rules.
  • Our website and Facebook page will be updated every few days with a list of applicants and each applicant will have a unique reference number.
  • Additionally, you will be asked if you are prepared to help out as a marshal. More details will be provided nearer to the qualifiers and final.
  • There will be a total of 180 tickets available. Last years winner will be invited to defend their trophy in the final.
  • The reason there are 180 tickets available is down to the commercial arrangements with the venue and sponsors. A1 pits have received 15 tickets and the cost of these tickets has been offset against the venue hire cost. 2 tickets to Barbel Fishing Competitions (profit above the value of the tickets will go to the charity funds), 2 to Foxy Leads as competition sponsors and 1 additional sponsors ticket. These 5 tickets the sponsors have paid for to ensure the prize funds aren’t affected.

The Live Draw

  • This will be in March 2025 and more information will be provided on our website and on the UK Barbel Master Facebook page.
  • The first draw will be for qualifier 1 (90 anglers drawn) and second draw for qualifier 2 (90 anglers drawn).
  • Once all remaining places have been drawn a reserve list will then be drawn for the qualifiers.

How to pay

  • The entry fee will be £105 and is non refundable. As part of your entry fee you will receive 5 charity raffle tickets and a UK Barbel Masters bait bucket sticker. These will be given to the anglers at the qualifiers.
  • The entry must be paid within 14 days of confirmation you have be accepted into the competition (if not paid then the next person on the reserve list will be offered your place).
  • The entry fee payment will need to be paid through Catch and more details will be provided after the draw including when the entry fee must be paid. Please note that when paying there is a £2.49 admin fee.
  • A reserve list of anglers will also be posted on the UK Barbel Master website and Facebook page.
  • If for any reason you are unable to attend the event after paying please let us know as soon as possible and we will try to offer your place to another angler, there is no guarantee though and your entry fee will not be refunded if we are unable to arrange a replacement angler.
  • If within 28 days for the qualifiers you are unable to fish any entry fee will be forfeit and go into the charity fund.

Prizes in the 50 angler final

Overall Winner £5000

  • Plus 2 cadence rods and 2 cadence reels, 1-Year Dynamite Specialist Bait Sponsorship worth £500 (RRP) including media & content creation coaching, £50 SkerKro voucher, Beemouse - fully loaded tackle box, £40 Foxy lead bundle, Years membership to Gunthorpe Lock Fishery stretch 2026/27, a Reel Em In prize and an engraved set of Reuben Heaton Specimen Scales.

Overall 2nd £2000

  • Plus £300 Cadence vouchers, Dynamite Baits £250 (RRP) bait bundle, Barbel Fishing Competition prize, Beemouse - fully loaded tackle box, £40 Foxy lead bundle, Future Reels Services - 2 free reel services and a Reel Em In prize.

Overall 3rd £1000

  • Plus £200 Cadence vouchers, Dynamite Baits £100 (RRP) bait bundle, Barbel Fishing Competition prize, Beemouse - fully loaded tackle box £40 Foxy lead bundle and a Reel Em In prize.

Biggest fish £500 (final only) £500

  • Plus an Essex County Angling - Carp Spirit Barrow, Vortex big bait bundle, Beemouse - set of floats, £40 Foxy lead bundle and a Years membership to Gunthorpe Lock Fishery stretch 2026/27.

Sections (5 sections of 10 anglers)

1st £450

  • Plus 12 months AT subscription, Castaway PVA and Deception Tackle Bundle, Beemouse - set of chubber floats, £40 Foxy lead bundle, Vortex bait bundle, £20 SkerKro voucher and a Reel Em In prize.

2nd £300

  • 72 hours free fishing on A1 pits river section, Castaway PVA and Deception Tackle Bundle, Wild River Barbel bait bundle, £40 Foxy lead bundle, 5kg of SkerKro particle and a Reel Em In prize.

3rd £150

  • 24 hours free fishing Gunthorpe Lock Fishery, Castaway PVA and Deception Tackle Bundle, Wild River Barbel bait bundle, £40 Foxy lead bundle and a Reel Em In prize.

Please note that the cash prizes will only be paid via bank transfer and are subject to all places being filled. Should we not fill all the places the cash prizes will be reduced according to the number of anglers participating in the event. Additionally the sponsors prizes may change and full details will be updated on our website and on our Facebook page.

The Rules

  • The UK Barbel Masters is a Feeder/Lead & Float only competition, as such there are a few simple rules to help competitors.
  • Deepers are not allowed. Anglers can as soon as they are at their peg use a lead to find any features in their swim.
  • The use of spoppers for baiting is not allowed. Any bait introduced must be via a feeder, catapult, pva mesh or by hand.
  • No bait to be introduced prior to the start of the competition.
  • Feeder/Lead & Float only, rolling meat is allowed.
  • Only two rods to be in use at any one time.
  • Rods and reels must be used.
  • Fishery Rules apply.
  • No braided main lines to be used.
  • No fixed lead set-ups (semi fixed is ok), leads must be able to separate from the line if snagged.
  • No rods to be left unattended.
  • Anglers must have 2 landing nets available to land any fish caught.
  • Toilets are not available, bag and bin your personal waste & litter, do not leave it at the venue.
  • No lighting of fires allowed and any cooking apparatus must be raised off the floor and not leave scorch marks.
  • Anyone breaking the rules will be disqualified.
  • The events organising committees’ decision is final.


  • Please use a large, deep, fine knotless meshed landing net and always allow the barbel time to recover in a sufficient depth before removing the fish from the water.
  • Transfer the fish, in the net, from the water and place the fish on a wet unhooking mat whilst you remove the hook. After the hook has been removed return the fish back to the water in your landing net and allow further time for it to recover.
  • We have a weigh and release policy. We will have dedicated marshals who will weigh the barbel individually and released soon after capture.
  • Please ensure that all barbel are nursed so as they are fully recovered before release.
  • Unhooking mats must be used whenever a fish is to be laid on the ground, even if it is in a landing net.

Additional Information

  • The competition winner will be the highest overall weight of barbel in the match (they will be excluded from the section winnings/places but not the biggest fish prize).
  • The competition second overall will be the second highest overall weight of barbel in the match (they will be excluded from the section winnings/places but not the biggest fish prize).
  • The competition third overall will be the third highest overall weight of barbel in the match (they will be excluded from the section winnings/places but not the biggest fish prize).
  • In the event of a tie it will be decided on the most number of barbel caught by the anglers tied, if it is still a tie the biggest barbel they caught, then the time of the first barbel caught. If it is still a tie then the prizes will be split.
  • The biggest fish winner will be the biggest fish landed in the match (in the event of a tie the prize will be split).
  • Section prizes will be for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the sections of 10 anglers based on the highest overall weight of barbel in the match. The overall winners 1st, 2nd and 3rd are excluded from the section prizes. In the event of a tie in any of the sections it will be decided on the most number of barbel caught by the anglers tied, if it is still a tie the biggest barbel they caught, then the time of the first barbel caught. If it is still a tie then the tied anglers names will be drawn.
  • In the event that insufficient anglers catch in their sections then any remaining prizes will be drawn (only anglers present at the presentation will have their names in this draw).

The UK Barbel Masters committee reserve the right to alter any of competition rules as required.